Am I At Risk For A Groin Hernia?
Anyone can develop a hernia – it does not matter whether you are male or female, young or old, physically active or inactive. But you may be at higher risk if you:
- Are male – men have a natural weakness in the groin area that increases their hernia risk;
- Are over age 35 – as we age, our tissues naturally become weaker;
- Are born with a hereditary condition which causes poor muscles, ligaments or connective tissues;
- Have close family relatives with hernias – weakness in tissues may run in families;
- Lift heavier objects – this may reveal or aggravate existing tissue weaknesses;
- Are overweight or obese – carrying extra weight may stretch or weaken your abdominal wall, particularly at previous incision sites;
- Have a heavy or chronic cough – the force of a cough or sneeze can tear weakened muscles and connective tissue;
- Are frequently constipated – straining to have a bowel movement puts pressure on the muscles and connective tissue in your abdomen;
- Have a sports injury or accident that tears the muscles or connective tissue in your abdomen; or
- Are a smoker – smoking adversely affects the body’s ability to produce good collagen which helps promote healthy cell creation and growth of connective tissue.